005 The Value of Innovation w/ Carey Ann Cyr
The Business of Homes Podcast
Episode #005 With Carey Ann Cyr
Michael Conrad
Hey, everyone. Michael Conrad here with the Business of Homes podcast. Each week we're taking you to sort of a behind the scenes look at the business, the philosophy and the entrepreneur worship behind homes. Today with us, we have someone who's actually not a realtor, but an absolute titan in the industry in her own right, and that is Carrie Ann Cyr.
Michael Conrad
And I have known her for a number of years as someone who has been out there starting new ideas and helping just a ton of people. And I'm so glad that we get to dig into some of the business side of her world because she has been making waves and helping people for how many years now?
Carey Ann Cyr
Yeah, 22 years in the mortgage business.
Michael Conrad
Oh, my goodness. All here in Nashville.
Carey Ann Cyr
Here in Nashville.
Michael Conrad
Oh, my goodness.
Carey Ann Cyr
Got my start right at the bottom.
Michael Conrad
So you have seen all of it from up to down to left to right.
Carey Ann Cyr
All the things. Yes.
Michael Conrad
Okay. So but all of us I find in this industry are coming from these different backgrounds that aren't natural Segways. Who's going directly into mortgage, who's going directly into real estate. It's not as common. We typically feed from these other locations. I know my background was an absolute turn left. Non sequitur. Where did you come from? Yeah.
Carey Ann Cyr
So I moved to Nashville to pursue music. I was serving at a local restaurant. I probably was bitching and moaning about why I was still serving and not making it in the music business. And my manager at the time said, Do you know anything about the mortgage business? He was the restaurant manager, his wife was in the business and she actually is still in it today.
Carey Ann Cyr
And he said that she's going to teach classes on a Saturday. Would I be interested? And so I said, Absolutely. So I started taking her classes and she gave me an opportunity where at the bottom I was the girl who got the coffees and took out, you know, ran the FedEx runs and all the things. And I was blessed because being such a competitor and had that work ethic from my parents a long time ago, I said, you know, if music's not going to make it, I need to do something.
Carey Ann Cyr
I'm going to make it somehow, someway. And so I just took on the challenge and just kind of walked my way over so many years to the to the top. So it's been good.
Michael Conrad
I think that that is something that is certainly within the larger conversation about work ethic and about that competitiveness in business. I never thought I was going to go into business. In fact, I thought business was the last place I wanted to go. However, I'd like to win. Yeah, you know, and that competitiveness leaked in and became this big driving force.
Michael Conrad
And I love to hear a story like that where someone has really put the time in the effort. And because not only have they seen all sides, they probably know that business really, really well, but they can empathize with everyone else that's around them.
Carey Ann Cyr
Yeah, I think, you know, I will be honest. I gave up on music, I think a little too soon. I got here, I was, you know, a small fish in a big pond where before I was the big fish in the small pond and I didn't know how to handle that emotionally. And so I struggled with some things with that.
Carey Ann Cyr
And so giving me my second chance in quotations to do something, I really wanted to go out and not give up and learn all the things. And so I think a true foundation in anything we do is key. So many people get in our industry just in the real estate industry, and there are so many facets to the real estate industry, but they just get into it.
Carey Ann Cyr
I think a possibly for the wrong reasons or b they want to just already get to the top without putting in the time and the ability to learn all the things right? I think it's really important for that, that base, that foundation. And I'm so grateful for that because people call me even just on my drive here for that.
Carey Ann Cyr
It's been, you know, 15 years in the making now that I've been in the sales side of it and I use all the knowledge that I use. It's the old school, the OG stuff that we used way, way back in the day To be able to get a loan approved is still how we do that today. But being able to be a true professional one that studies your craft on a regular basis has that background of what true work ethic means, what organization means, you know, what systems to put within their business, what all that means and how that can really make a difference for my personal business.
Carey Ann Cyr
Then in turn, the real estate, you know, industries, which is a huge one.
Michael Conrad
Yeah, the real estate industry, that specifically being a real estate agent. Right, is a funny reality because there's not a typical organizational structure for you to start at the bottom. You know, a lot of agents are coming out of real agent school and they're testing and they're just launching right into sales. The world of construction that I come from the world of mortgage that you were kind of coming into.
Michael Conrad
It gave us a chance to start at the bottom. And I think that there's an incredible benefit in that we talked about on this podcast, other places with other podcasts that there's a benefit in going to literally everyone when you're new in business. Yeah, anyone who will teach you, anyone who will share information, anyone who does bring you along in their process to get that learning.
Michael Conrad
It was one of those specific things that you learned early on from someone that was like, Oh, I got to hold on to that.
Carey Ann Cyr
Yeah, I think you're so true. I will tell you, I never learned except for that one gal about the base of the mortgages, but I've never studied under a mortgage coach, right? I always studied under different business coaches because somebody told me long time ago, You want to be a success in anything that you do. You have to be the CEO of your own business.
Carey Ann Cyr
So it is carry on with a side of mortgage, right? It's this agent with a side of real estate. Those people are buying into you and you've got to know all things about your specific craft. So I was really blessed to be told to step out of my comfort zone a really long time ago, and maybe music allowed for that.
Carey Ann Cyr
But the girl that was making the least wasn't doing the most. I put myself in a really uncomfortable situation and put myself at those tables where I was around the people doing more. I was around the gals. I wanted to find strong females that I could look up to because in my industry many, many years ago, it was a few of us gals and a bunch of gentlemen.
Carey Ann Cyr
And that's completely fine. And I've never was one to, you know, say that I was this or that. I just was going to do, right. And so, yeah, there's a bunch of men at this table and me that's okay. I'm going to be right there and I'm going to learn. And there is some men that I've learned from.
Carey Ann Cyr
They were older, they were wiser. They taught me that it is okay to want more, you know, even if I am a female within this industry, if I'm really good and I'm doing it for all the right reasons and and I'm one that is so super knowledgeable, I can be that gal that was way at the back of the conference room at the awards banquet receiving the last award.
Carey Ann Cyr
But I am worthy of the girl receiving the first award. Or maybe it's flipped where I'm the one at the at right at the top. Right. I'm worthy of that. And I can do that. I just have to put the systems in place and just that mind shift that I am the CEO of my own business. And since then I've been, you know, making one step forward every single day and year and continuing to grow.
Carey Ann Cyr
Michael Conrad
That is an amazing nugget that you just dropped. I hope all of our listeners are rewinding and re listening because ultimately the services we provide, the skills we have are overlaid upon us as businesspeople. Yeah, and the CEO of your own brand, your brand might change over time. You the way you apply your skills, the certain type of customers that you're serving, even the market dynamics that might be applied to you, it's going to cause an element of change in your day to day practice as an entrepreneur, as a business person.
Michael Conrad
And it's going to mean that you can't just solely identify as a real estate agent or as a mortgage banker. You have to be able to be someone who can move and shift and adjust. And I think this is a great piece of advice for our audience here that if you're in real estate, continue to diversify, continue to think of yourself as a practitioner of business, as an entrepreneur, not solely as an agent who's showing homes or negotiating contracts or selling or.
Carey Ann Cyr
Yeah, and or if you are, if that's a passion of yours, but you want to grow. I mean, I think all of us get in this business to serve the community, right? I mean, I think that is one thing that allows us our heart to shine and we are able to do for others. It gives me goose bumps every time where I take a loan that was once told no, and I bring, you know, life back into it.
Carey Ann Cyr
It's fun for me. It's fun for me. However, I am in this business to make a dollar so I can continue to do more right. I mean, we can't I wish it was just, you know, came out of the sky. But, you know, that's not how this works, right? And so we are in the business of profit and then the right profit, right.
Carey Ann Cyr
Meaning do good for others, you know, with your dollars, etc., etc.. So with all that to be said, there is systems, right? There is consistencies, there is you deciding that you're not just going to work with a lender who took you to lunch or, you know, a vendor who did this or that just cause. Right. You're going to ask all the right questions.
Carey Ann Cyr
You're going to peel back things and make sure that you're moving in a in a forward direction with true professionals. Right. Because if you're only going to be blessed so much time within this industry and some people I mean, I met a gentleman who's been 65 years in this industry. I'm like, boo, hallelujah to you. I don't I don't not going to do that.
Carey Ann Cyr
I can't do that. No, I'm not going to do that. But if I thought a little differently, maybe in my twenties, you know, you and I would be doing this podcast for different reasons. I would this would be your retirement podcast, you know, something, something completely different. And our toes would be in the sand and all the things.
Carey Ann Cyr
But I, you know, chose to have a little one late in life, you know. So I'm a little older with a ten year old, which makes life fun now, and I'm able to challenge myself to do things that really make me step out of my boxed box to do even more right to expand, to serve even more of the community.
Carey Ann Cyr
But you can't do that if you just go out and like wing it, you know, every morning. You have to have systems in place to be able to ultimately see your goals, you know, further long and be able to achieve those.
Michael Conrad
So I think one of the things that I've really learned sort of in the ten plus years of being in business is that I'm kind of waking up to this awareness more and more that other entrepreneurs and business people that I'm surrounded by, that I might be doing business with. Yeah, that that alignment is really important. And it's not just, can they sell me that banana that I need?
Michael Conrad
It's no, it's like, who's that person and are they running as hard as I'm run? Right? And that alignment, I think, isn't something that you're taught necessarily in real estate, school, or even in the business of hard knocks. Sometimes that alignment comes from identifying the people that are going to help raise all boats, so to speak. And that's one of the things I've really enjoyed about our friendship over the years, is that every single time we're around each other, I feel inspired.
Michael Conrad
I feel inspired to continue to push harder and sort of elevate the conversation, elevate the service, you know, work with a larger group of people than I previously was, and do it at a better quality. Yeah. And so the ability to do that only comes from being surrounded by the right people. And so I'll take this as a piece of encouragement for anyone listening here that, you know, don't just go to that do business with the person that took you to lunch, do the work, do the work, put the systems in place.
Michael Conrad
That means find the right people to be surrounded by. You know, what's the old adage? You're the average of the five people you surround yourself with. That is certainly true in the real estate business.
Carey Ann Cyr
Oh, absolutely. And and I think you can learn to be don't allow your ego to get so big, because I found myself so many years ago thinking I knew all things right. I felt like I'm so good right, so good at all things. And then I was humbled enough to realize that I wasn't. And so right after having my little one, I lost my job.
Carey Ann Cyr
I went from something to nothing overnight, and I was quickly humbled. My husband at the time didn't have a job. We had no income coming in. I was also diagnosed with postpartum, so I had all the things happen at me thrown up, coming at me left and right. And so I was at that crossroads right where I was so many years ago in music.
Carey Ann Cyr
Do I give up? Do I keep going? What do I do? You know? And so I will tell you that you being in the business for ten years, I will say about ten years ago is where I had to make a mind shift. All things change. Ten years ago, that's when I decided to approach my business completely different.
Carey Ann Cyr
I would going to I was going to lead with value. I wasn't going to just assume I was going to get anything from anybody. I was going to set it up where if something was to happen ever again that it was okay. The decision of another was not going to change the outcome of my success. And I've been really moving that thought process forward each day over the last ten years, and it's in my business has flourished.
Carey Ann Cyr
It's been fun. I've been able to mentor and coach so many more. Other people help other females within, you know, different businesses that just want to go after something bigger because we can do that. But it took me being stripped down and having nothing for a period of time to decide, okay, I need to rebuild this and I need to rebuild it the right way.
Michael Conrad
That feels like it could just be a grind when you have to get up and you have to like get out there and serve others with no expectation of return. There's there's almost a verging on a hollow feeling of grind that when I first look at that, I'm like, Oh, I don't know if I like that. But then if we start to look at motivation, what's the motivation, The reason why you're out there grinding, if it is in fact to serve others and it's to better yourself and align with the right people, then it becomes also in this breath of life gets infused into it.
Michael Conrad
And it's not a grind anymore. It's this sort of like Zen way of being where win or lose, you're in a good spot to be in because you know that you're being motivated by the right things.
Carey Ann Cyr
Yeah, I mean, so it happened. If you if many of us lived through that, some, you know, went from something to nothing overnight. Right. With, oh, wait, COVID happened. Some people went from something to nothing overnight, you know, and we lost an amazing, you know, friends along the way with all of that. My grind is to set myself up, to set my family, my daughter up where, you know, we teach and I teach, you know, true hard work does have an outcome.
Carey Ann Cyr
Right? And if something was to happen again, I'm not going to be on the ground crying with no direction. I have systems in place now. I have a backup plan. My mom taught me long time ago to save right. But if we don't think about it and we just, you know, we're in this business for the wrong reasons.
Carey Ann Cyr
We're making money, spending money, then we end up with no money, you know, type of thing. And so kind of reinvesting ourselves to be better. I do think that everything is a stepping stone in life. I think music was a stepping stone for me to fall into this great business that I'm in today, which is the mortgage industry, which is a stepping stone to get me probably back on stage to do something even more powerful, which I'm really excited about.
Carey Ann Cyr
And so you just never know A who we get to meet within this industry that we're in. It's just amazing. I get to meet so many amazing people, so many people that I'm like, I look at them, I'm just they're just the average Joe. And they have built businesses that inspire me, right? That get me motivated to do more and is okay for a female to be the mom, to be the breadwinner, to be hungry and be driven.
Carey Ann Cyr
It is okay to want to make more money because you know what? My mom got diagnosed with cancer a few years back. We don't know if she's here for 20 more years, three more months. It's just the type of cancer that she has and she is going to have the best life given by her oldest daughter and all of her kids from here on out.
Carey Ann Cyr
And I can do that with because of the ability of the industry that I'm in. Right. That I get to make more and be able to give her the best life that she gets and deserves.
Michael Conrad
Amazing. What do we do with the successes that we've had? What do we do with the failures that we've had? Those the money that can be earned and successes or the experience, but also those learning opportunities? Yeah, you know, that totally.
Michael Conrad
Really, I think, what is defining today's entrepreneur And specifically here in the real estate industry, Nashville is starting to get its own little market moments in time where if you've been around the mortgage or the real estate industry for a long enough, you've seen a couple of different chapters. What have you done with that? I think is the question I have for myself and for all the listeners here is that what are we getting out of the pandemic era?
Michael Conrad
What are we getting out of the craziness of 21 and 22? What are we getting out of the 2829 crash if we're taking that and using it for profit, Not the money profit, but for personal betterment profit, If we are using that, then we're getting ahead. I'm I love that you're talking about taking new ideas and a team and allowing it to build you up by breathing into others or to sort of taking new ideas and grappling with them.
Michael Conrad
In fact, I would say innovation is one of the things that you and I connected on early on this sort of sometimes bullheaded, sometimes inspire sort of moment of like, I'm going to cut some new trail, grab that machete head into the jungle. And even though it's a little different than what other people have doing, I'm going to do it in a way that I can remain positive.
Michael Conrad
But also that I can sort of make a way for others to come with me with this team I'm building. So talk to me a little bit more about the team that you're building around yourself, because that's something that I've also been focusing on the last ten years and how it's a little different than maybe some other folks in your industry doing it and certainly others than some of the real estate agents we interact with.
Carey Ann Cyr
Yeah, I think our passions to do difference, to get out there, like you said, and get in the jungle, I will say is is were challenged by the uncomfortableness of being it's okay to fail. I want to make sure that is one thing. I mean, I think Michael Jordan reminded us that, you know, we fail forward. Right? We see some of the greats that are where they are today because of them taking more risks, jumping in the deep end when they didn't know how to swim, you know, and just being okay to fail for it.
Carey Ann Cyr
So I will tell you that I've been failing for for many years. And quickly seeing that as a learning opportunity and making sure when I wake the next morning that I use everything that I learned yesterday and recreate it, a solution and a system in place so it doesn't happen again. Right. And I'm also quick people say that I say the word pivot a lot.
Carey Ann Cyr
You know, I'm quick. I feel like that was for marching band many years ago when I had a turn. Yeah, when I did that, the the turns and things. But you know, I'm quick to pivot which means I am quick to realize that that didn't work and I'm jumping into something different. Right. And keep trying. Keep trying, Keep trying.
Carey Ann Cyr
When it comes to the team, we are only as good as the people that we surround ourselves with. Right? But you're building your team based upon you taking complete ownership of your strengths and weaknesses. People love me for certain things and hate me for the same things, right? And I know that I am super good at A, B and C and really bad.
Carey Ann Cyr
And I take 100% ownership of DNF. I know it, right? And I'm not going to fake it, you know? I know our acting skills say fake it till we make it to everything. If I take complete ownership that I know I'm not organized, that I need to find someone who will keep me organized, who will keep me on a schedule.
Carey Ann Cyr
I wouldn't be here today if someone didn't say I needed to leave my house by a certain timeframe because I had 7000 different calls right. Having somebody that is 100% on board with you to make sure that they have the same outcome or they understand the the reason why we're doing what we're doing, too, right. They believe in the same core beliefs of what we have and the outcome of our success together.
Carey Ann Cyr
Right. I know I'm only as successful as I am today because of the people I surround myself with, which include the people that are organized, the people that can take an idea and help me execute on that idea and also know that you they have to be okay with hard work. You know, my I respect all people, but I demand a lot out of all of us.
Carey Ann Cyr
And that might be that. Meg, my mother, was the general, you know, growing up. My dad was the lieutenant colonel, but my mom was the general. Like she required a lot out of us. The expectation was was a lot. You don't just do average work, even though that was in my English class and I've probably failed out of another class, I was going to be the best I could or try the best I can, you know, all the things.
Carey Ann Cyr
And so building a team has been amazing. It's been a lot of hard work. You make some right hires, you make some wrong hires. I think when it comes to real estate teams, you know, people are wanting a team just cause I think even in the mortgage business, they want a team just because it sounds fancy. They hire the wrong people.
Carey Ann Cyr
They hire people that want to be them. When people come to me on my team and say, I want to be you when I grow up, I want to say, Fabulous, This is wonderful. You're not actually on the team. I will mentor you and I'll coach you to be me when you grow up type of thing, right? If you I'm looking for compliments.
Carey Ann Cyr
I'm looking for people that are comfortable being in the side cart of the motorcycle because we have a long journey to go. And I want us to stay together for a really long time. Right? If you have some team members that just are part of your team for a couple of years and then they want to jump and go and fly, you know, that is great, but that doesn't keep a strong team speaking the same language for a really long time.
Carey Ann Cyr
And I've been blessed to have some folks with me five years, eight years, ten years. Shawn And I've been together 15 years, right? That is what a true team is when you're in this career to work together to build something magical. I would never been able to serve over a thousand families without an amazing team. And it doesn't take a lot of people just takes the right people with the right systems and organization behind you and the consistency with it to to do something magical.
Michael Conrad
Yeah, this is a great encouragement to me actually. I feel like over the years I, in trying to identify the right team members have used a number of different approaches and I'm not sure all of them were very successful. I've done the classic Who do I like? Who do I want to be around, you know? And I found that that has had a pretty hit and miss sort of success rate.
Michael Conrad
I've had the well, who has the best resumé and the bona fides, right? Like, who can I really trust based on the paper to tell me, you know, if they're the right fit for my team and that's had some varying levels of success as well. But this encouragement here is a good one, and that is look for the complimentary pieces.
00:23:47:22 - 00:24:06:10
Michael Conrad
And if you don't yet know who complements you, I think you have to do that classic Gary Carr thing and figuring out what is your one thing or what's your couple of things. You're ABC like you talked about that really moves the needle or brings you a lot of satisfaction or hopefully both and then exclude all those other things.
Michael Conrad
But I'm on the right side of the list and then try to find folks that fill that out. It sounds simple, but it is anything but in the hiring process.
Carey Ann Cyr
Yeah, and initially I was looking for work ethic. I was looking for customer service, I was looking for people that could finish my sentences. Meaning you buy into me. What is me? I'm a driver. I've got a lot of personality. I like to have a lot of fun. All the things. If I then hire duds, you know, or people that don't compliment me, it's just not going to be successful.
Carey Ann Cyr
Right? And so being able to find those that met all of these needs and wants, I think that were important for me. And that also filled in the buckets that I was not really good at, allowed me then to teach them the 1 to 3 to the mortgage business. Right. And then over the years and being able to serve so many families, I knew if I could just say, see how I did it, because I'm a taught me right, I was driven enough to learn it, to comprehend it, and tend to execute on it.
Carey Ann Cyr
I felt like I could find those people and I feel like I have, which is great. There's eight of us that are been consistent. It's it doesn't take a lot of people to do some some great magic. You know, some people think that Kyrie and my mortgage team is the entire branch of 50 something people. It's a fairly small group, but I did want to be able to serve a larger group of folks and be able to build something magical within Middle Tennessee, which was seem to be financial.
Carey Ann Cyr
And so I think we now have 18 originators that are doing great things here locally and processors and underwriters and I'm in and all the things, but my small team that does lots of business, it just takes the right people, you know, on that team.
Jake Hall
Hey, everyone, it's Jake, director for the Business of Homes Podcast. I hope you have been enjoying today's episode, beginning with Carey Ann leaving the music industry with her first lessons in the mortgage business, how everything changed for her ten years ago, and how innovation has shaped her current career. When we return, Carrie Ann will share how she started putting herself before her business, how positivity can create a powerhouse, and what the future of real estate looks like to her.
Jake Hall
You don't want to miss it. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram @thebusinessofhomespod, where you can interact with us and see some great bite-sized pieces from all of our episodes. For you listeners out there. Did you know our entire podcasts are filmed and are on our YouTube channel? Check it out next time you want to see our amazing guest, tell their stories.
Jake Hall
And are you currently watching this episode in video format? Don't forget to follow us on your preferred audio streaming service to take us with you on the go. Lastly, do you have any feedback or one to suggest someone for the show? Email us at thebusinessofhomespodcast@gmail.com. Please enjoy the rest of today's episode with Carrie Ann.
Jake Hall
Let's get back to it.
Michael Conrad
Real estate. Such a funny industry because you can have a big team or you can have the team that surrounds you in what you need to do to get transactions done. And I know that you and I sort of connect from a vendor related team, sort of angle.
Carey Ann Cyr
A family, Yes.
Michael Conrad
Yeah, a family. I love that. And I think that's an important place to start. If you are starting in the real estate side of business, the first thing to say is, okay, I'm not a team of one. I have people that surround me because real estate is a team sport. Yeah, And if I want to grow to have additional team members under my own brand, I have to start with having good practice and how to identify good team members in my sort of like family that works in these transactions because every single transaction is going to need a couple people in a couple different categories to be able to achieve success with.
Carey Ann Cyr
That and lead with positive D. I mean, this is a really stressful industry. I'm blind now, legally blind in both eyes, but 100% blind in one eye because of the stress of this industry. You know, my life I've made some changes over the last year to put me before the business where I did put the business before me.
Carey Ann Cyr
And crazy enough by me focusing on me has allowed the business to flourish even more because now I'm stronger and mentally ready for all the things that are going to come at me. But leading with positivity, what I say is there are so many stressors that are going to turn us. There's triggers all within the day within our industry that make this agent, you know, snap at that agent that snaps at that lender, that snaps at this, you know, other vendor, etc., etc..
Carey Ann Cyr
You know, at the end of the day, we have to have the ultimate goal, which is to understand if we're in within contract that we all want to get to the finish line in the most smoothest manner. Right? Using threats, using negativities. Don't get us anywhere, you know, and I'm surprised even to this day, some of the stuff that comes at me and I just breathe.
Carey Ann Cyr
I use all my tools now that I've been learning to kind of, you know, rise up and take the higher road. And those that do that you'll find are the leaders within this industry, right? They're the leaders within real estate, right? They find solutions everywhere you and I go, there's always going to be problems. But how can we just take a moment, look at everything and find a solution with with which whichever industry that we're in, because it's the ultimate it's the real estate, Right?
Carey Ann Cyr
We're we're selling and loving on people that want to purchase and sell homes, you know, and we are the vendors that, you know, surround everybody around that based upon what we're looking to do.
Michael Conrad
Yeah, the leaders in this space, eight or nine times out of ten are going to have a giving mentality. They're going to have that positive vanity, that kind of a cloud around them. It's it's oftentimes rare to see someone who's a consistent thought leader or a brand leader be someone who is sort of leans more negative in business practice.
Michael Conrad
And so I think that's a good encouragement to everyone here that if you are starting out or a couple of years in and you want to continue to escalate in your reach, in your ability to serve others, in your ability to inspire the next generation, then you've got to do it through. Sure. Building a good team, surrounding yourself with good people, but also this positive outlook on how you practice.
Carey Ann Cyr
Yeah, and that doesn't mean that you're passive. That doesn't mean that you're not driven as heck, right? I mean, that doesn't mean that I don't go and say, I want that and I take it right, but I do it with a positive spin, right? I do it with a respect level that possibly what I'm going to say someone's not going to like, but at least comes across in in a nice manner.
Carey Ann Cyr
You know, we don't have to be negative because I think that just kickstarts that person's day and it just goes downhill and then turns everything into into the wrong thing. But just know that that does not mean being nice, does not mean that you're not driven. That does not mean that you're not going to go out and change the world, you know.
Michael Conrad
So you've been in these number of years, you've built a team and you've continued to innovate in new places. That is bringing people in to your sphere rather than you trying to go out and sort of participate in other spheres. So you're kind of looking at business and success differently now. Give me some ideas of what you think the future holds for you right now.
Carey Ann Cyr
Oh, I'm excited, you know, about what the future holds. I don't totally know. But, you know, I think that's the mystery of the real estate industry, right? We don't know what tomorrow is going to bring. Like you shared early on, we've been doing the same things in real estate for so many years. We're kind of I mean, the other day I bought a sports jacket.
Carey Ann Cyr
It had shoulder pads in it, and I'm wearing bangles, all of my arms. So I do think history does repeat itself. So some of the old school things that we used to do back in the day, we're starting to bring back to life, which is kind of fun and exciting. But how do we keep, you know, changing that in a positive manner if I am, you know, the the formula of Lender A is to get a lot of their business from real, real to a how do I get in touch with more of those, you know, individuals?
Carey Ann Cyr
Do I wait for them to call me? I'm definitely, you know, going to be a pause. I'm calling them on a regular basis. So I'm not like that crazy lady that, you know, this the oh, here she goes again. Calls me, calls me, calls me. I decided to change it, invite people into my world. You're going to like me for when you get to meet me, all the things, whether that's me being super driven, solving, you know, all the lending problems.
Carey Ann Cyr
Maybe that's me being the mom that you see. Maybe that's me, you know, trying to make a difference in my personal life. Whatever attracts you to me, I would love for you to be welcomed into my world. And if we're going to do business together, you should know all the things about me, right? And so that is my new approach with it.
Carey Ann Cyr
And so I have a lot of functions now, and that's one thing that you and I really connected with was why should we wait to be invited to go to a party where we can have our own party and invite all the people to it? And again, compliantly, all people are welcome as well, we say. And then you find within that is that they get you right.
Carey Ann Cyr
They love your drive, they love your personality, or they're like, This gal is not for me. And that's completely fine because there's so many other people within our industries that can serve, you know, the others. But you continue just to get out there and do what you love, right? Figure out if you're committed to this or if you're just interested.
Carey Ann Cyr
Right. I mean, if I'm just interested, I'm on the verge of retirement at that point. Well, my kids ten so I'm not yet and I would love to do other things, but I should and I deserve this is what I tell myself. And I'm worthy of something bigger. And I'm going to continue to figure out what that is.
Carey Ann Cyr
And I don't know if that's continuing to give back to the community coaching and mentoring other originators to do it differently, you know, so they can be a success tomorrow. I don't know 100% what it is, but right now it is to serve our local real estate community, make a difference for them, and help as many consumers gain wealth.
Carey Ann Cyr
Real estate.
Michael Conrad
Amazing. I think that there is a change in how we do business as entrepreneurs that has taken place over the last 20 years because of social media where there's a level of authenticity, transparency, honesty that is required now. Sure. And it it almost falls out of line with how you serve the technical quality of of what your services there requires.
Michael Conrad
If people are going to be attracted to you like what you're talking about, that you have to embody those elements of transparency and honesty. And so today's real estate agent, today's practitioner in almost every single side of the built environment from contract years to, you know, mortgage to title to everything, requires there be a level of authenticity that is present because we're not just solely satisfied with someone ticking a box or, you know, passing something through underwriting.
Michael Conrad
We really want to know what's motivating people. And and really, I think this is why your modern is choosing a specific real estate agent is because there is that authenticity that bleeds through.
Carey Ann Cyr
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I think even for the real estate agent, how do they get their business unless they get out there. Right. And make bigger connections. But you're only as good and I am only as good as my last transaction. And so I should be the best of the best within that, Right? I should know all things.
Carey Ann Cyr
I should take the time to study my craft. I should never be too good not to learn something new each and every day. You know, even to this day, I have time slotted for me to study my craft. And what does that mean? You know, you would think the gal has been doing it 20 years plus years, knows all things.
Carey Ann Cyr
No, I learn something new all the time. The guidelines within. They change on a regular basis and so people who. Why are the real estate agents not challenging that so-called lender while assuming that that pre-approval, which is just a piece of paper that someone typed up, you know, just yesterday, it means anything, right? I mean, there's got to be a trust behind the brand, right?
Carey Ann Cyr
You and I trust certain brands. We we drink certain drinks because we trust that it's going to rev us up if it's the sugar free Red Bull or, you know, rev us down as the, you know, non caffeinated, you know, ginger. But we're going to go after certain brands, whether that's a shoe brand or a drink brand or a clothing brand or whatever, because we trust and we know all the things about it that's similar to what you and I do when it comes to who we work with, right?
Carey Ann Cyr
We buy into the person that brand with the side of whatever they're associated with. Right. And I just happened to be associate with mortgage. I want to make sure when you get something from me and my name's on it, that I'm a woman of my word, that means if I'm going to have a team around me and they're going to use my brand, that means that they have to be true to their word, right, to hold up that continued brand.
Carey Ann Cyr
And so I think that's really important for people that are in the real estate world out there that are continuing to build. It is important to work with people, ask more questions. It's okay to hear the answer that you don't want to hear. Why are you wasting your time right? And ask them, you know, do you? What I will tell you is I'm not going to work 24 seven.
Carey Ann Cyr
Even though I work 24 seven, I'm going to put healthy boundaries in. That makes me amazing at what I do because I can do a lot and I can make miracles happen for each person out there in a slotted moment of time, Right? I don't have to be available all the time, right? People can respect each other's boundaries and healthiness within their own businesses and you'll find that those people there that have those grow and soar even further, you know, within their careers.
Michael Conrad
It's a good, good thing to remember for literally everyone listening here. And that is don't rest on your laurels. Don't take advantage of any of the good things you've done in the past as the way you're going to be able to move forward. It doesn't mean that that didn't matter because those things did matter. But this grind or this daily remembrance that we have to go out and be the best is an incredibly great piece of encouragement for our audience, because I think we all get lulled into this idea that those who love us, love us and they're going to continue to love us.
Michael Conrad
And it's just it's just not true in general. Think society as consumers, we've become an oversold generation and we've become a distrustful generation because of various things that.
Carey Ann Cyr
We're just doing that caused that.
Michael Conrad
Right. And so consumer trust in general, across industry, across brands is low, certainly very low in the real estate world. And so if we get up and we say to ourselves, okay, I'm not going to just trust that people are going to flock to me, I've got to go out there and I've got to do do get on the hunt.
Carey Ann Cyr
Yeah, I think that's important. I was talking to a real estate agent the other day who has had a great successful career and assumed that because of all that he did before, would allow for his success to be today and realized that that's not true. Right? There are shiny objects. They're there. People's heads are turned for this reason or that.
Carey Ann Cyr
We need to make sure if those heads are turned, that they turn back to us. Right. And so what are we doing within our own businesses to maintain the that sphere, right. To maintain that that consistent loyalty, you know, to your specific brand? Well, if you're not present, you know, some people get off social media because they think of this or that.
Carey Ann Cyr
If you think of yourself as the product similar as an entertainer, right, You think of yourself as a product with a side of whatever you're selling you. It's okay to talk about yourself. It's okay to speak in the third, right? I share a lot of stories. I share a lot people like, Well, why? Because I am in a business, right?
Carey Ann Cyr
All of this is wrapped up in me, you know, providing of a value or another level of trust, you know, within if they see me, they know all the things you know. Now, the flip side, if you're partying and you're doing all the things that are not associated with a successful business, that's what they're going to see too, right?
Carey Ann Cyr
So you do have to have the good and the balance with it all. But just taking that out because you you personally don't think that is important to you. It's not sometimes about you and I. It's about the business. Right. And so when we put ourselves in our business shoes, we're doing things for the ultimate goal of the business all within the right, you know, realm and the core beliefs of what we truly believe within.
Michael Conrad
Get up, get out of bed, Put your business shoes on, do it. Stay focused, keep grinding, don't take advantage of all the good that's come in the past, but keep working hard to continue to provide value to your customer or to your sphere of influence. Today, don't give up and don't just rest that. I mean, that is, I think, the formula that is obviously so hard to keep hitting, but is the formula.
Michael Conrad
Kyra, thank you so much for being here. Amazing today. I've really enjoyed some of the stuff we've talked about and we'll definitely have to have you back on the future. We'll catch you next time. Yeah.
Carey Ann Cyr
Thank you so much for having me.
Jake Hall
Hey, everyone. Jake, again, director for the Business of Homes podcast. I hope you've enjoyed today's episode. A huge thank you to Carey Ann for being a part of the podcast. Go follow her on Instagram @mortgagesbycareyann and let her know how much you enjoyed her story. Don't forget to subscribe on your preferred listening platform and make sure to follow us on Instagram as well @thebusinessofhomespod.
Jake Hall
Do you have any feedback or want to suggest someone for the show? Email us at thebusinessofhomespodcast@gmail.com. Thank you again for listening and we'll see you soon.